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Fun Stuff

Posted by snoozy on 2009/4/6 22:45:51 (3441 reads)

We are pleased to present you our new online game "Chicken Mate" that you can play no limit.

After some funny break with this brand new game, you can participate to the poll "Which came first: the chicken or the egg?".

Happy Easter to you all !

ps: With Chicken Mate, when you are login on your highscore are now saved !!

Posted by snoozy on 2009/1/21 14:33:34 (9409 reads)

Pac-Man, Pacman, Pakkuman, パックマン ?


Pacman is an arcade game developed by Namco and licensed for distribution in the U.S. by Midway, first released in Japan on May 22, 1980. Immensely popular in the United States from its original release to the present day, Pac-Man is universally considered as one of the classics of the medium, virtually synonymous with video games, and an icon of 1980s popular culture. Upon its release, the game became a social phenomenon that sold a bevy of merchandise and also inspired, among other things, an animated television series and music.

Play Pacman game (Free Online version)

A new fun, entertaining and highly addictive puzzle game that is the an arcade classic. In Japan, Pac man aka Pacman popularity is immense, second only to Pacman among Nintendos famed Mario offerings.
The Pacman craze came to this side of the world when The Guardian in Britain began printing the publishing under the name Pacman in September 2005; since then many other British papers have followed suit and now also print daily puzzles, and the craze is growing.

Pacman History

The first Pacman were called Pac man and were published by Tell Magazines (they introduced Pacman puzzles to the world a decade later). Since then Pacman aka Pac man have been a regular feature in every arcade arena in the US and also in xarcades arenas. Pac man also appears in Game magazine.

Pacman or Pac man made it to Japan only in 1980, a combination of the Japanese word for "addition" and the Japanese pronunciation of the English word "Pacman."

6 years after it release Nikoli renamed Kasan Kurosu as Pac man, and released the first Pac man/Pacman booklet. Since then 22 Pacman/Pac man booklets followed and static's show that over one million Pacman booklets have been sold. Pacman/Pac man Puzzles appear in 100 Japanese magazines and newspapers today, and the Pacman craze is in second place, right after Pacman. According to Nikoli, Pacman/Pac man was the top ranking puzzle till 1992 and only then was Pacman over taken by Pacman.

As with Pacman, the market craze started only after the puzzle was exported back to the West from Japan.

The Pacman craze started, when the Guardian and The Daily Mail, in response to the Pacman craze, introduced daily Pac man puzzles as Pacman in the UK.

Just like Pacman, Pacman puzzles are spreading. Pacman can now be found in all main stream book and magazines publishing houses. Pacman books are starting to be wide spread too, as more Pacman titles are being released. Publishers are assuming that with the Pacman craze still going strong, there is going to be more then enough interest in Pacman/Pac man.

Pacman was the first site to offer thousands of free online Pacman puzzles. Pacman's puzzles can be found in many books and magazines since it's puzzles are unique and the Pacman algorithm we built provide only one unique solution to each Pacman puzzle that can be reached logically.

Online Pacman

Online pacman is getting very popular these days, people are tired of these complicated games they just wanna have fun, read more about it here Online Pacman.

Poll: Are you for or against ?

- "For": Play to Pacman online

Goal: The player controls Pacman in a maze. It has to eat all dots to reach the next stage. The difficulty: Fours ghosts named Blinky, Pinky, Inky, and Clyde are trying to catch Pacman. If Pacman meet a ghost, a life is lost.
This Pacman version includes a "highscores" board. For' members, your name appears automatically if you have log in. As it is never too late, you can register here now (free). High scorer, enter your name !

- "Against": Play to AntiPacman online

Others Pacman references

- Purp

- Extreme Sketch Pak

- Going To The Shed

Enjoy your Pacmania...

Alain Brun

Posted by snoozy on 2008/11/23 23:52:31 (4708 reads)

From now on, above each game, you can find a "Star Rating" bar !

You just have to select the number of stars which corresponds to your evaluation of the played game. It will help you for finding more interesting games for you and for the others players.

Soon you'll also find new way to search and filter games by using your own ratings or the one of the community.

Only 1 star means that the game is dreadful and 5 stars means that the game is terrific!

Then it's your turn to play with the stars...
Rate ! Rate ! Rate ! And rate again !

Posted by snoozy on 2008/5/12 11:03:11 (5147 reads)

Why Submit a Game?

-Millions of players! playZgame will put your game and link in front of an audience of millions!
-Money! Earn money every times your game is played. Check out how with Mochiads (our partner)... and see here the experience of Badim a game developer who is publishing his awesome total revenue from last 5 months.

OK... How?

It's very easy, you just have to be logged-in as member and then to submit your games directly using the form.

What advantages?

Previously we get new games when the game developers sent us an email with their new game... but this system is long. The delay to have the chance to see a game published didn't stop to increase with a queue of 600 to 800 games to manage.

Now the biggest advantages to submit your games here through the form are:
- more accurate information
- reduced delay to publish
- soon thanks to your account on you will be able to see how many games have to be managed before yours and the status of your submissions.


Thanks to ALL DEVELOPERS for their GAMES and the pleasure brought to us (the gamers).

Posted by snoozy on 2008/5/12 10:42:14 (5139 reads) carries on the conquest to find some games of good quality. The selection is hard !! But we recently reached a new threshold exceeding 1000 games the last April 25th.

The 1000th game is called Rotato. It's game of skill where you use the mouse to rotate the circles and catch the shapes according to their color.

Just for March and April, we published more than 300 new games for your pleasure...

(1) 2 3 4 ... 7 »



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