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Revenge of the Stick 5330 hits Adventure Games | Reverse 6192 hits Skill Games | Rhythm Day 4447 hits Skill Games |
Ribiba 7226 hits Puzzle Games | Rickshaw Jam 8288 hits Puzzle Games | Ricky Bobby's Fast Track 18746 hits Car Motorbike Racing Games |
Rigby 6125 hits Skill Games | Rings 7151 hits Puzzle Games | Road Master 17924 hits Car Motorbike Racing Games |
Robo Slug 1 7794 hits Shooting Games | Robo Slug 2 9071 hits Shooting Games | Robobz 5168 hits Shooting Games |
Robopogo 5503 hits Funny Games | Robot Run 8519 hits Skill Games | Robotic Fishy 14567 hits Adventure Games |
Robots and Aliens: Reactor Twist 3D 5313 hits Action Games | Rocket Launch 14502 hits Skill Games | Rocket Launcher - Cyber Slots 6688 hits Casino Card Games |
Rocket Mania 32070 hits Puzzle Games | Rocket Rescue 5702 hits Skill Games | Rocketcat 6994 hits Funny Games |
Rockface Rescue 15592 hits Flying Games | Rodent Tree Jump 5238 hits Funny Games | Rolling Turtle 7084 hits Adventure Games |
Rollon 4857 hits Skill Games | Roman Rumble 5946 hits Skill Games | Romanius 6237 hits Adventure Games |
Romanius 2 5393 hits Adventure Games | Romzom 5761 hits Adventure Games | Rooney on the Rampage 7238 hits Funny Games |
Rotato 9399 hits Skill Games | Roto Foto 13596 hits Puzzle Games | Rotospheres 4823 hits Shooting Games |
Rotting Onslaught 5868 hits Fighting Games | Roulette 7860 hits Casino Card Games | Roulette 2 6522 hits Casino Card Games |
Royal Poker 6413 hits Casino Card Games | Rudolf's Revenge 4726 hits Funny Games | Rugby Ruck It 8971 hits Sports Games |
Rugger Bugger 6783 hits Sports Games | Run Jerry Run 6111 hits Funny Games | Run Ronaldo Run 6463 hits Sports Games |
Rural Racer 6721 hits Car Motorbike Racing Games | Rush Hour: City bear 9533 hits Funny Games | Ryokan 5660 hits Puzzle Games |
» S | ||
Saberman! 6550 hits Fighting Games | Safari Island 9299 hits Casino Card Games | Safe Cracker 10512 hits Casino Card Games |
Sams Traffic Jam Puzzle 4968 hits Puzzle Games | Samurai Defense 8634 hits Adventure Games |