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Peter's Memory 5220 hits Puzzle Games | Missile Strike 5212 hits Shooting Games | Counter Strike Lite 5210 hits Shooting Games |
Swing Ball 5207 hits Skill Games | Santa's Secret 5204 hits Funny Games | Slippery Pong 5201 hits Arcade Games |
Retroid 5197 hits Arcade Games | Black Knight 5194 hits Action Games | Soakamon : the water fight ! 5191 hits Skill Games |
Bunch 5190 hits Puzzle Games | Diamond Fever 5189 hits Puzzle Games | Mysteryville 5181 hits Puzzle Games |
The Hunter 5177 hits Shooting Games | Pointless 5174 hits Adventure Games | Guardian Rock 5171 hits Puzzle Games |
Insane Marbles 5170 hits Funny Games | Shapes 5169 hits Puzzle Games | Rainbow Web 5168 hits Puzzle Games |
Get Back To It! 5167 hits Arcade Games | Robobz 5167 hits Shooting Games | Flash Minesweeper 5163 hits Puzzle Games |
Harry Potter Knight Bus Driving 5163 hits Skill Games | Gun Slinger 5159 hits Shooting Games | Precision 5157 hits Skill Games |
Deadly Dwarves 5156 hits Shooting Games | Reaktor 5156 hits Puzzle Games | Battleships Ultra Easy 4 5153 hits Puzzle Games |
Rapid Fire 2 5147 hits Shooting Games | Battleships Very Easy 1 5142 hits Puzzle Games | Shuffle Next 5137 hits Skill Games |
Word Frenzy 5132 hits Word Games | Scuba Racer 5130 hits Sports Games | Festival Pro 5122 hits Skill Games |
Delta Fusion 5114 hits Puzzle Games | Tip and Run 5114 hits Arcade Games | Battleships Medium 3 5111 hits Puzzle Games |
Glowmonkey vs The Meltdown 5110 hits Shooting Games | Sift Heads 4 5106 hits Shooting Games | Tank 2008 5106 hits Shooting Games |
Kaboom 5105 hits Skill Games | Hashi Ultra Easy 1 5101 hits Puzzle Games | Billy The Ball 5095 hits Puzzle Games |
Monster Attack 5086 hits Skill Games | Find Me Or Not 5078 hits Skill Games | Lumpy Artist 5073 hits Skill Games |
Memory 2000 5055 hits Skill Games | Solar Chiefs 5053 hits Shooting Games | Quick Catch! 5052 hits Skill Games |
Caravan Racers 5037 hits Sports Games | Glow Shooter 5035 hits Shooting Games |